Tag: Dutch


ANDDD another weekend passed by. Can’t believe its already the last week of May, and I only have two more weeks of school left! STOKED may i say. Anyways, wanted to blog about this interesting performance I went to just last night. “TERRA NOVA”, part of the DEAF (Dutch Electronic Arts Festival) in Rotterdam, it is an interactive performance piece where people’s senses are challenged and stimulated. Sounds vague right? I was definitely confused too because the first part, a monologue (part of the story) was in Dutch, therefore I couldn’t get the whole sense of the story, the only thing I knew were the english words (Antartica…penguins…I guess I got the gist of it haha) However, it was definitely still a worthwhile experience that I would recommend to people. For people who don’t have the opportunity to see it/experience it in reality, definitely check out the video that they made for the performance.


As for the rest of Rotterdam, the weather is getting alot better, low 20s, sunny, with a bit of wind. I’m not complaining, just hopefully it will stay like this for the rest of my time in R’dam. Anyways, enjoy the video, and pictures will follow up soon!



Last weekend (April 29-30) was Queens Day and Night in the Netherlands, also known as Konninenedag. People dress in all types of crazy outfits, in addition to shades of different oranges and stroll on the streets with beer in one hand and the patriotic things with the other. My friends and I decided to venture off to Amsterdam as we heard about how busy Amsterdam would become on national holidays. Not to our surprise, it was flooded with orange people. It was a really nice experience to see how people would gather and celebrate this event together. To sum up our little adventure: orange, tourists, flea markets, boats, and laying in the grass. Talking about boats, there were some pretty crazy boats going around the canals, alot of them were filled with older crowds pumping loud TOP40 music and partied like high school kids, it was quite funny haha, but nonetheless, it was definitely an interesting sight. Enjoy some of the photos I have taken! xx