Tag: rotterdam


02/03/12:: Arrived in Rotterdam, knowing nobody, anything. And now…having done my last “final” class at WDKA, it just hit me that i’ll be leaving in less than a month…and all the things that I have taken time to get used to will soon be something in the past. Riding my fiets everywhere, travelling around europe, trying out new things…its all going to end. The fact that I have to go back to my old routine of life is a little daunting, and I have asked myself many times why I feel that way, and I think the reason is because of the word “routine”. Rotterdam to me was never a routine. In this experience, there were too many special moments and spontaneity. It’s just sad to leave so soon, I wish I had more time in this little vacation of mine. I guess there is an expiry date on everything. On a brighter note, these were pictures from last weekend as my friends, Warren, Artem, and Lan came over to visit. We also headed to Amsterdam for a day since Warren and Artem has never been there before. It was a really lovely weekend, and it was so nice to see people from home. We just strolled around and went to see some of the Amsterdam hotspots, the “I AMSTERDAM” sign, the condom store, the red light district….to name a few, haha! And what’s next? Finish some of my assignments for final assessments next week, and then heading over to Basel, Switzerland on Friday to meet our beloved Laurent! I’m super excited, but sad at the same time because this means that today is the last Rotterdam Sunday for me…BUT get ready Basel, I’m coming over!!

Everything happens for a reason and that is to make you into a better person. As cheesy as it gets, be happy (like the guy above) because it happened.
Lots and lots and lots of love, xxx


Last night was our friend, Laurent’s last night in Rotterdam. I know, its depressing. Despite all the glummed chums, I’ll get to see him again, becauseee I’ll be visiting him in about 2 weeks in Basel! So technically, its not our last goodbye yet..yet. Anyways, just wanted to post some pictures from last night at BAR bar (yeah, the bar is called BAR).

To Laurent:
One word to describe you: amazing.
As a human being, as a duck lover, as a DJ, as a friend. 🙂
Thank-you for being part of my exchange experience. 🙂

We love you lots and lots. and lots.
Maybe one more word: pony. 🙂
have a safe trip home! xx


Darn, I wish the weather would stay this beautiful forever minus the mosquitoes and the warm sticky air……the past weekend was wonderful, filled with lots of sunshine and chill time. Despite the weather being incredibly hot, it was still great to be able to head over to Den Haag’s “Scheveningen Beach” on Saturday to just chill and lay on the beach and enjoy some Netherland sand haha! Not to mention our wonderful hottay partay barbeque, with lots of food and laughs. Oh, time is just flying by, and I dont even have the time to comprehend everything I’m doing. Some of my friends are already leaving soon (tomorrow), and I guess it’s hitting me that this experience is coming to an end…have to pack up everything soon….i just wish we could have been with each other just for a little longer…….and i keep telling myself that this is not the end, i will be back- europe! emily woo will be back in europe again, someday, to visit all of you guys. However, I’m not saying goodbye for another 2 weeks, so until then, lets enjoy the most as I can, and oh right, I guess i have to finish my assignments too. Oops, that kind of slipped. Assignments are really a pain, especially in this lovely weather. Hopefully on your side of the world, the sun is also shining, the wind blowing, birds chirping (minus pigeons+crows+seagulls+oh-who-am-i-kidding,i-hate-birds-haha) annnnnddddd assignments-less! Enjoy your days! Cheers!


ANDDD another weekend passed by. Can’t believe its already the last week of May, and I only have two more weeks of school left! STOKED may i say. Anyways, wanted to blog about this interesting performance I went to just last night. “TERRA NOVA”, part of the DEAF (Dutch Electronic Arts Festival) in Rotterdam, it is an interactive performance piece where people’s senses are challenged and stimulated. Sounds vague right? I was definitely confused too because the first part, a monologue (part of the story) was in Dutch, therefore I couldn’t get the whole sense of the story, the only thing I knew were the english words (Antartica…penguins…I guess I got the gist of it haha) However, it was definitely still a worthwhile experience that I would recommend to people. For people who don’t have the opportunity to see it/experience it in reality, definitely check out the video that they made for the performance.


As for the rest of Rotterdam, the weather is getting alot better, low 20s, sunny, with a bit of wind. I’m not complaining, just hopefully it will stay like this for the rest of my time in R’dam. Anyways, enjoy the video, and pictures will follow up soon!



Can’t believe its already May, and I only have a few more weeks left in Europe. A month ago, I was still pretty homesick, probably because of the stress that came with the due dates at school. But now I’m starting to get used to this lifestyle and culture that I’m afraid I’m going to miss it when I’m back home. What can I do though? I guess the best thing is to enjoy the rest of my time here with my lovely exchange and dutch friends, and travel as much as possible. One place I really have to go is to the tulip fields near Amsterdam, uh hello? I’m in Holland, its like a must visit attraction. Weather in Rotterdam right now is kinda temperamental. In the morning it can be like pouring rain, but in the afternoon, it gives us the hint of summer with the sun beaming over our shoulders as we bike around town. Yet at night, it would turn back to as chilly as the winter times. Oh Rotterdam, we do have a love-hate relationship at the moment; your weather is definitely not the most charming trait of yours. However, you did bring some pretty good memories for me. Anyhow, these photos are just taken on random occasions that best reflect the nice days. And hey! wherever you are, take the time and explore where you live, go to a nearby restaurant you’ve never tried before, or walk around that park near your house, who knows, surprises may be hidden in those little changes and actions. Cheers! xxx


Today is Sunday. Another week flew by already, really can’t believe thats another week gone. This post wouldn’t be about my adventures around town, but just something that this experience has taught me.

I’ve grown up thinking that the best way to live a fulfilled life is to be hardworking, obedient, and responsible. If I pile myself with loads and loads of work and work my ass off, I would feel super successful and important. I liked the adrenaline of having something, and lots due within a couple of hours, which is bad, I know, but the idea of having my schedule jampacked with different stuff and deadlines makes me so excited. It makes me feel important. Back in Vancouver, I really just focused on school and not really anything else, school was the most important, and also the most TIME consuming part. I have always connected busyness with productivity, yet that’s never the case, cause often busyness is the result of stuff piled up because I wasn’t being productive. On top of that, I never really learned how to stop and relax. Before, I used to feel guilty when I dont use at least a couple of hours a day on my schoolwork. But that shouldn’t be the case….I shouldn’t feel guilty when I’m resting or just taking a break to hang out with my friends, or even just to sit somewhere by myself and enjoy some time alone.

When I first got here, I did get culture shock. Everything was moving so slowly, the people, the metro frequencies, cashiers, people’s idea of being on time for class…just everything! I always thought “lets go, lets go, have to get home soon, i’ve got stuff to do”. But now that I’ve been here for about a month and a bit, I realized that theres no need to rush, and that I shouldn’t feel guilty to have just some quiet time to think and rest my mind. Or some time to enjoy a break or a nice cup of coffee with my friends. That doesn’t mean that I have to start slacking off, instead, I should start learning to find the balance between rest and productivity.

So hopefully this post has inspired you to really think about your priorities in life. We often just get so caught up in our lists of “stuff to do”, that we forget about the time to rest, relax, and enjoy the present. Wherever you are, be all there, and enjoy that very moment.

Cheers! Dag (Bye)!